Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yet Another Introduction

It's me again. I'm Back!... to bitch and complain about movies, clothes, music (cough terrible rappers cough), & somewhat unaware narcism. I can't help to think as I sit in my Toronto Hotel aka a friend's house about the inability for myself to make money so thanks to you for reading this i hear cha-ching more enough.

I've been reading my previous (unproofread) articles of before and promise a more incomprehensible future. As one may agree I need an editor, or maybe a motivation not to be the pathetically lazy person I am (I just remember I didn't put out the recycle). Well I'm Back (in my Eminem Voice) and I'm here to bust shit up, or be completely ignored. Pick one or the other.

Thanks for checking in. More to come soon.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Real 3 Dimensional Frustration

It would seem that 2010 is marking the year of 3-D flimmaking. Although James Cameron might be behind this phenomenon, some may credit Robert Rodizguez with the "bringing back" of 3-D with his 2003 film Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over. Namely the one who started this in 2009 was Coraline. These two are aimed at younger crowds, but Hollywood's ridiculousness have saturated theaters with 3-D.

As 3-D may serve as an experience for family saturday afternoon outtings, it should not be driven to be apart of big budget movies. It's only ridiculous to give audience 3-D in movies like like the 2010 exploitation film Piranha 3-D. Two days ago Ben Fitz and Richard Verrier wrote an article for the Los Angeles Times outlining the release of Clash of the Titans scheduled just a week after How To Train Your Dragon. Now, the battle is wiether or not the Dreamworks' Dragon movie will continue after the release of the predicted box office hit of Warner's Titans. Although Fitz and Verrier focus on the business side of things, they should also focus on the undercutting of films that are warranted to have 3-D versus what was made into 3-D films. It's outrageous. How to Train Your Dragon was made to be a 3 dimensional movie while Clash of the Titans was reshoot to become 3-D ,as Warner presumably saw opportunities with other studios banking on their 3-d releases. James Cameron has created a monster and judging by his interviews he loves his franksteins, urging directors to contact him to be a consultant on their films.

Outrageous enough, it would seem that these films are not slowing down.

Twilight's fourth movie was in negotiations to become a 3-D film. A love story in 3-D? Summit Entertainment has even reached out to Sofia Coppola to direct. I'm hoping her artistic conscious stops her from this. Ignoring advice from her genius filmmaking father she shoot Lost In Translation on film, not the suggested digital. So will she buy into the world of useless 3-D? We will have to wait and see.

Among other ridiculousness of this 3-D movement include Kenny Chesney's tour documentry, the third installment of Jackass, the untitled Spider-Man reboot, and the Green Lantern. All of these films would be absolutely fine on 2 dimensional screens, but due to greed and marketing advice they will be more driven to get higher grossing profits.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Finally I've come to a realization

Due to numerous, "What happened to the blog?" comments I've decided to continue whatever it is that one would call this. A movie blog? Life blog? Whatever it is, I"m sure most everyone will find something that they like, when that if you're a human and open to most everything as I am the writer. Fortunately I'm extremely motivated by film and television. So, unfortunately I'll be babbling on and on about film, but not limited to. Fashion and experience also will be expressed. I stress experience because that is all one is accountable for is their experience. So I've started (the babbling) already. Furthermore, any criticism you the readers have do not be hesitate in relaying such good or bad, extremely bad is welcomed to.

So welcome and here we go...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A New Beginning

I apologize. I apologize for my undeniable laziness. My in-opportunity to keep you, the reader, informed on what's good has recently been damaged to the point of beyond repair. But since I've recently been informed to the fact the world needs an honest peer to tell it about the goodness in the world, I've decided to start again. In this particular blog, Movies, Television, and for the first time Trailers are to be critiqued honestly. Hopefully I will fulfill your expectations to become a knowledgeable intelligent critic of the most recent movie news, motion pictures, and trails.

Skip the bullshit. I'm here to tell you about movies. Read it and comment. I'm critical as you should be.